Friday, 31 January 2014

Back in the Saddle again... 2014

Haven't blogged in two years plus - time to get back at it...

My brother Paul in Calgary gets to see Snowy owls in Alberta ALL THE TIME. Well, this year there appears to be more owls on the eastern seaboard than in a long long time. I have seen at least two different birds. This is probably the same bird I have seen three times - each day at the same location - at the same time - around 4:45-5:15. I didn't have my camera -except I took it today hoping he would appear on time. So here are my first snowy owl pics... light not great - no blue blue sky, late in day - but he's there
I found him where two other cars had stopped to look - so he was a bit nervous... so he fled up to the top of the telephone pole where I have seen him on two other occasions - feeling safe up there I guess...
So tomorrow is Saturday and the second weekend of Eagle Watch in the Annapolis Valley. I was up two weeks ago and had a gander. There were 2 dozen eagles around - so the time is right - they were very fidgety - so I didn't go last weekend - better to let them see the masses and get settled down. Tomorrow would be a great day to go but I don't think I will. We've been on the road every weekend since Christmas and it's time to take one at home for me - and some rest. We had a great snow this week and the Ring Necks are going up on the fence in the backyard - so I should set up the blind and see if I can get a Pheasant-on-the-fence that my darling wife wants so badly ...   

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