Saturday, 12 August 2017

Here are the ships as they passed on their way to the open sea. We were at the mouth of Halifax Harbour where the wind was picking up a touch and as the sails filled you could almost hear the crew members grinning. Our captain ran alongside the Bluenose very closely for about 30-45 seconds and we had the sense that we were indeed "sailing with the Bluenose". It was a very special moment as you heard the sails tighten and the ropes squeak to taut and the masts groan into action almost like getting stretched and awakening. The ships were off to other various ports across the Atlantic region and some were getting prepared for the final leg of the cross Atlantic race. The Bluenose doesn't participate in racing any longer - her success rate (never been beaten) would remain intact I'm sure as we witnessed her stretch into the breeze easily. I'm sure no one in this batch would even have a remote chance of catching her if she spread out seriously.  

Notice the sailors aloft to release more sail, for when the captain barked the orders.

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