At the end of January Paul was helping care for a summer layover Yellow Chat that was having difficulty with the winter cold. He was the "Jellyman" to help the chat get fed with grape jelly, and hopefully, survive the winter. These were taken at a cemetery in Lower Sackville.
Although he stayed mostly in the rose brambles, he also was quite friendly and cooperative to visitors for some quite striking yellow breasted photos.
Along with the yellow chat came the cardinals, waxwings robins etc. The waxwings and robins were not as cooperative as the cardinals and the chat - the star of the show.
Here are a few of the male cardinal, the female was about, quite often at the same time - just not on this day ...
While unsuccessfully pursuing the robins and waxwings we scared up a few tails on the lower road. Just as we were leaving, we were very surprised to find these guys munching on a birdfeeder in the front yard while a neighbour worked on his car right across the street !! Obviously, town deer used to traffic and people.
Seems like Momma didn't like the snapping of pictures - or maybe it was the strange "truck slowing down to take a look at her"... In the Spring and summer I'm sure they keep the neighbourhood clear of any roses and tulips or other such fine dinery ...
Although about a month out of sequence, I felt these pictures needed to be in the blog as wonderful nature encounters and beautiful natural pictures and stories...
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