Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Eloise welcomed into the Church

We all attended Eloise's welcoming into the Church last Sunday up in Morristown. Afterwards Sarah and Chad and AJ and Eloise hosted a large luncheon and play time.
Here's Eloise wondering "What's goin' on around here anyway?

AJ woke up from her nap in a great mood, ready to go back hard at playing with everyone, especially Holden, Norah, Eloise, Grammie, Grampie, and the rest of the party-goers...

Holden was having so MUCH FUN with all the action going on - he just didn't know what to do with all that positive energy ...

AJ was busy listening and checking out everybody's heartbeat...  including Eloise's...

It was sad to see everyone leave and AJ gave Holden a special kiss and hug to get him safely back to the city. Everyone was in  a good mood all day and everything went very smoothly... (as expected)...

Norah was very happy when Ruby could stay over until the end of the party. They had many new things to get straightened out - which always takes a lot of time when you start new friendships. The front window perch was "the place to be", complete with the pretzel bowl ...
But it was Eloise's day !!! She managed to survive all the attention and now has the whole congregation looking out for her - and who wouldn't - with a cutie pie smile like that.

You gotta admit - we've got a pretty happy-to-be-together crew here - thanks to their Moms and Dads and Grammies who go the extra mile to make their lives wonderful and meaningful ...

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