Up and back to the perch ...
This one is my favourite and will probably make it to the office as a 12x18...
I stood and watched for about 45 minutes ... and without wanting to disturb him I was patiently waiting for my last chance at a "take-off and cruise"... I was just about to give up the hunt but I said - just 5 more minutes - he's going to move at some point ... I call this time span "overtime" and stuck it out. Out of the corner of my eye - you can only look through the viewfinder for so long... I noticed a small dog moving toward the owl - with his walker - they didn't see the owl - but alas - my patience paid off as my heart skipped a beat - getting ready - It was sooooo nice knowing that I was going to get my shot, rather than the typical "heart attack - there he goes!!!" and he was probably going to head my way ... and whamm - off he took...
He landed on top of a pole right at the highway - so I drove over there - it was on the way home - pulled off on a side road and walked back right up and under him - he wasn't perturbed. He must be used to a lot of walkers by now, I guess, and so I ended up with my snowy in blue sky from about 12 feet or so...
Nice to see what happens when you "show up", and are patient (waiting through the "overtime"). I was very conscious about disturbing him - after all - he is looking for food - life and death stuff. Even having him watch me as a distraction started to bother me - distracted from watching for food ... but then along came the dog and walker and moved him for me ... I guess he has to get used to living near people like we have to get used to living near wildlife ... That's the thought for today ... Lots of fun...
Looks like a great encounter. Glad to see that you are getting the opportunity to see and "shoot" these majestic birds! Like some deals out there on TV, these won't be here for long:)